
Re: Low voltage sparkgaps for ignition coil driver...

>Date: Sat, 21 Nov 1998 10:32:28 -0700
>To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
>Subject: Re: Low voltage sparkgaps for ignition coil driver...
>From: Tesla List <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com>
>Original Poster: "James" <elgersmad-at-email.msn-dot-com>=20
>    I'm surprized that you didn't think of using just a spark gap that 
>rated, or just gapping a spark plug 20v/mil then run it through the 
>Dielectric of air =3D 20volts to the millimeter.

 Ummm... I don't know about the air where you live, but here where I 
conduct my experiments it takes at the very least 1000Volts to spark 
across one mm of air. Therefore, the circuit I designed would need a gap 
that was 1/12 of a mm to spark. Such a gap wouldn't work.
 Spark plugs need over 1000Volts to fire reliably. I agree that air gaps 
are the way to go when you have 5000V +, but for solid state, low 
voltage systems you need something that can fire at much lower voltages. 
Therefore I fond that a neon bulb was just perfect to fire at 80Volts. 
The electrodes are 1mm apart and losses are negligible at the power 
levels the circuit works with.

 Sam Barros.

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