
Re: Homemade transformers

At 19:01 30/09/98 -0600, you wrote:
>Original Poster: "Bill the arcstarter" <arcstarter-at-hotmail-dot-com> 
>It was written:
>>I seem to recall in the previous 'home-made transformer' thread, that
>>voltage step-up/down was related to the ratio of (turns^2).  The 
>>above appears to be calculated on ratio turns.
>Not correct.  Voltage out/current out depend on the turns ratio and 
>voltage/current in.
>Inductance (and the subsequent no-load magnetizing current) depends on 
>primary turns^2.

Now, I knew I saw it come up somewhere .........

	.... of all the things I've lost,

		.... I miss my mind the most ;-)



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