
Calorimetry: Sparks in Georgia

Howdy !

First, apologies to Terry and the list for my email problems Saturday.
Also, more info on my system:  

Input power:  I'm using 9.7 ohms to ballast a 70:1 PT from 240 V AC.  By
calorimetry on my water cooled ballast bank (19 liters water, 2 kg "iron" HW
elements, candy thermometer in a plastic bucket) , I measure 2.5 kW, so the
PT is receiving 1.3 kW if the power factor is near unity.  Most of my power
is going into the ballast.  Calorimetry is the easiest way I have to
accurately measure my mains current and ballast dissipation.  I have no way
yet to acurately measure power factor, thus main transformer power.

Improved Efficiency "SW" Capacitors:  I'm now using stronger electrolytes in
my seven glass cider jugs.  Inner is NaOH at about 6.7 Mol/liter (was 2.4
Mol/liter.)  Outer is maybe 3 - 4 Mol/liter NaOH plus saturated brine (was
brine only.)  Strikes are 39 in as opposed to 30 in before.  

I can now breakout the 24 x 8 in toroid using half the ballast bank, so now
I'm looking for more toroid.  Also my primary tune point is only 6 turns.  I
may go from #6 wire to 1/2 in tubing on the primary for additional

Comments ?  Suggestions ?

makin lil sparks in Georgia,