
Re: X-rays from light bulbs/Tesla Coils !!!

>Ross Overstreet and I have observed both effects in the clear light bulbs
>are using.  They do produce streamers off the filamate and a green glow
>the glass (they seem to be mutually exclusive according to this thread). I
>guess the real test will be to obtain a Geiger Counter and see what's
>happening (Hey Ross got a Geiger Counter?).

It's possible you are getting x-rays if you still see the green fluorescence
on the walls of the glass.  If you are getting some blue off the filament,
it might indicate that the vacuum is not very high and weak x-rays (at best)
are being produced.  Or, since incandescents still have some gas present,
you might be approaching or exceeding the breakthrough voltage of the gas
(assuming the bulb was vacuumed to begin with).  If the bulb is being pushed
hard like this, then it's possible that many x-rays are being emitted.

Don't recommend experimentation without some sort of monitoring present,
like a Geiger counter, dosimeter, film, etc.  Also shielding is a must.  You
don't want to be irradiated unnecessarily.
