
Re: primay

Hi kid-kv,

	When you moved your primary tap you changed the inductance value of the
primary coil which changed it's tuning (lower frequency).  Apparently, your
coil is better tuned at this point than it was before and you coil works
better.  You may indeed get better performance with a larger primary if
that's what you coil needs to tune.  You might want to experiment around
some with different tap locations to be sure that the best location is at
the very end of the coil.  As always, be careful to discharge the primary
cap and all that when adjusting the primary circuit.



At 03:00 AM 04/13/2000 -0600, you wrote:
>  hay all
>  ok i had my primay tap at 10 turns  coil did ok 2 1/2 sparks  so i moved 
>it to my last turn and i got 6 inch to 7 inch what happend?
>i thot it was wierd  =-)
>  so maybe i will put a biger primay??????????
>   kid-kv