
SRSG first light!! (Was: SRSG pain/success...)


I posted here a while ago, telling about our SRSG building process and how
everything exploded/self-destructed/burned/whatever and then a little success.

Well, that's long gone, and now we've fired the coil with the new 200bps
rotary, no problems. The sparks were about the same length as before, but
now I didn't count a single power arc to the strike rail. The sound was
indeed different. Before it was just crackling (with the linear static gap),
now it's a stable "bzzzzzzz!". Actually the first light was achieved last
weekend, but I wanted to hold this announcement until we have pictures.

As always the photos are not very good, taken with time exposure. The SRSG
is emitting too much light to distract the camera's automatics.

As we began tuning, we noticed that the arc break out from the toroid with
only little power. As power was increased, the spark gain didn't increase that
much. Could something be eating up the energy?

We have 40 nf of caps, for 100 mA. 20 nf of them consist of 5 x 4nf 10kv 
mica caps (bought from Resonance Research) and the rest is 2 x 10 nf 80kv
X-ray filter caps. Are they any good?

Warning: lots of pictures, possibly slow loading.

I just wrote the pages and it's three a.m., I'm super-tired so the site may be
full of bugs and typos. Will be fixed later.

This coil is definitely NOT maxed out. Later on we'll do better RSG phase
adjustment, change bps, etc...

Somebody suggested here that a triac light dimmer may be usable as phase angle
adjustment. Should work, gotta try it. If does not work, I'll design
an AC-DC-AC converter, that works with PWM, locks to the incoming mains
frequency with a zero crossing detector, and a microprocessor-controlled
delay-adjustment (screw the RF) and an LCD with the ability to store/recall
phase settings.

Btw, there are new pictures all over the place on the site, including my new
table-top vttc.

- Antti