
Re: Another obnoxious lumped theory supporting post ;-))

HI all,
          I would like to mention a couple of things that might be of 
interest to people who are new (on the list) to this debate. One in 
particular might be of interest to a greater number.

     First thing - a clever chap named Ed Harris who was once on 
this list came up with a wirelength formula that really worked for 
predicting resonant frequency of a helix to within 5%. It is the only 
formula I know of (out of perhaps a dozen I've seen over the years) 
that did work. It incorporated third and fith powers in places if I 
remember rightly (the same sort of thing that is embodied in 
Medhurst's Cself formula). There were interesting equivalences in 

      Second thing (this is for those who believe electricity spirals up 
a length of wire). I picked out one of my resonators at random and 
came up with the following (this is the same resonator I used in a 
working coil a couple of weeks ago):

Closewound with 0.56mm wire
Diameter = 4.8"
Winding Height = 21.8"
Turns = 914
Measured (and calculated) Inductance = 20.1mH
Capacitance (calculated using Medhurst's formula) = 9.4pF
Resonant frequency = 393.3kHz (measured but you can calculate it
from L and C to see how far off it is).

Now for the interesting bit:
- wirelength = 350m
If this was strung out as a vertical monopole, one would expect it to 
resonate in 1/4 wave mode at 214kHz-odd (you can do the calc)
Note that the bare resonant frequency is considerably higher than 
       My conclusion : winding the wire up like this causes a drop in 
Cdistr that is not met by the rise in L due to mutual coupling between 
turns since k is << 1 for the resonator as a whole. So does 
electricity really travel up the wire faster than it can if the wire is 
strung out as a long length?  This is not a random result - it applies 
to each and every resonator of this type ever built. I tweaked to this 
fact five years ago. I wonder what the heck people are talking about 
when they speak of the need to "add top capacitance to bring the 
coil into 1/4 wave resonance".
