
Re: G-10 vs.GPO-3 (was[2]: Scott gap)

<Original Poster: "Dan Kline" <ntesla-at-ntesla.csd.sc.edu> 
>On the other hand, a 1/2" thick  12"
>square isn't bad at ~$12.50 for a test rotor or gap :) What is the source
>of your specs, by the way...?

 hello Dan.,
                I got the temp rating from www.acculam-dot-com/s2.htm .this
mfg.(one of many) 
gives a max continuous operating temp of 285 for g-10 and 265 for GPO 3.
however,to expand on my prior e-mail these figures are more useful as a
comparison than anything
else. with out a doubt both of these materials can be pushed beyond these
Both are thermosets and hence do not become "plastic" in the mechanical
sense and therefore can be used (or abused) closer to there "destruct" temp
than thermoplastics (generally). I guess my main point was to keep in mind
the difference in how the materials are made... layers of woven glass
fabric (matting) impregnated with a epoxy binder for G-10 as compared to
GPO-3 with is a polyester binder with chopped (random orientation)  glass
fibers. I agree the price is attractive for GPO-3 although I checked a
local plastic distributor and for a "mere" 26.00(as compared to MMC at
48.00 for same)  they will sell a pce of the real McCoy
-G-10-(www.portplastics-dot-com  Portland branch contact Francis)
I think they carry GPO-3 also
(I like the color of GPO better than g-10 !)
hope this helps

Ps feel free to contact me at 1-800-343-0444 x4003 if you wish to have a
(more) in depth discussion (of plastics)