
Re: MOT Voltage & Current

In a message dated 4/28/00 4:04:24 AM Pacific Daylight Time, tesla-at-pupman-dot-com 

<< What is the typical secondary coil voltage and current rating of a 
 oven transformer?
 My volt meter goes  up to 750 volts.  I know the output voltage of the
 transformer is much higher than that.
 The transformer has no tags or stickers with ratings.  I assume the primary 
 120 vac.
 Gary Weaver

I believe it is about 2,000 to 2,500 volts at about 500 ma.  If it is out of 
a consumer (as opposed to commercial) unit, it should be a 120 volt primary.  
I would apply a small primary voltage with a variac, measure the secondary 
voltage, calculate the turns ratio and calculate the secondary voltage.

Ed Sonderman