
Re: Interesting Skin Depth Data

Hi Antonio, Ruud, all,

> Original Poster: "Antonio Carlos M. de Queiroz"
> The result is 0.76 meters. No skin effect at all.

Right, and I believe it was Bert Hickman who commented on
this quite a while ago. Your "standard" TC running at 100+ khz
has a "skin depth" which is larger than any part of your body is
thick, which also shows why you should NOT go for the kick of
placing yourself (even if insulated) in the path of a TC arc ;o((.

Guys like Austin Richards "cheat" as they wear a suit, that acts
as a Faraday cage, so skin depth is of no concern to them. As
long as your coil has very low power (and I mean VERY low),
I guess that the damage to tissue is indeed minimal, BUT there
are a dozen other things that can go wrong, so I say itīs best
NOT to try this. If, for example, you somehow connect with the
mains voltage (fault current path), or superimpose 50/60Hz HV
on the TC output you are 99.999% guaranteed to be a goner.

I would simply consider a TC to be too unpredictable to try any
of these stunts in a S A F E  manner. I know there are guys
that do this on stage, but first: they are NEVER alone, secondly
the HAVE revival equipment AND the people, who know how
to use it AND they simply have to rely on a bit of luck. Even
the best setup and control have NO power over that last bit
of unpredictable matter. The late Henry Transtrom is probably
the best example for this.

Coiler greets from Germany,