
Solid Toroid Beneficial?


I read your post with great interest. And your paper on
input impedance some time ago.

I've also experimented a lot with solid state coils -
but I've been discourage by poorly performing circuits -
and the number of fets I've blown.

My stuff is at.

I didn't see this shorted turn effect. I noticed that my top
toriods were getting hot and so I raised them further away from the coil
and performance increased slightly. But I was running at lower powers -
under 1kw probably 5kW peak. 14" discharge and very different geometry..


I have a lot of questions about your circuit and coils. I see with
interest that you are direct driving - no output transformer. 

Could you be persuaded to post more details and the schematics -  I'ld be
delighted to
host your material on my site.

At present I'm building a conventional coil. It is amusing that the 
humble spark gap can still produce much better results than our hitech
semiconductor stuff. 

Alan Sharp (UK)