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RE: Dead 833s? (was:RE: new single 833A VTTC)

Original poster: "David Trimmell" <humanb-at-chaoticuniverse-dot-com> 

Just to clarify: 833's have two filaments in "parallel", one can break
and the other can survive on rare conditions. Just break one apart and
see. ;-)

David Trimmell

-----Original Message-----
From: Scott Hanson [mailto:huil888-at-surfside-dot-net]
Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2003 9:14 PM
To: humanb-at-chaoticuniverse-dot-com
Subject: Re: Dead 833s? (was:RE: new single 833A VTTC)

David -

In a recent post, you mentioned: "Also I had two
833A's with only one functioning filament each....".

Are you confusing an 833A with the 304TL/TH series of triodes?

All 833'a have only a single filament; when it's broken or burned out,
all over. All 304's have dual filaments and will still provide reduced
output when run on a single filament.

Scott Hanson