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VTTC MOT doubler, is it safe?

Original poster: "Jim Mitchell" <Wrenchead-at-starband-dot-net> 

I recently completed my first VTTC, it uses an 813 tube and a MOT from a 
1200w microwave.  I am getting about 5-7" sparks from the breakout point 
during good conditions, and I was wondering would it be at all possible to 
overdrive this tube and use a doubler on my MOT?  The tube has a max 2200v 
plate, and I am afraid if I put doubled MOT power into it, it will form a 
fatal arc inside or somthing.  The tube has a graphite plate, so Im not too 
worried about it melting or anything, but I am afraid of arcs 
inside.  Also, I am not running the tube in optimum conditions, I have the 
screen and control grid tied together, and the beam plate tied to ground, 
should I change it so that the screen is tied to B+  by a resistor, will 
this increase my output noticalbly?  If not, I am going to spend some big 
bucks on a few 833's

Regards - Jim Mitchell