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Re: IGBT System for sale

Original poster: "BunnyKiller" <bunikllr-at-bellsouth-dot-net> 

Hi David...

Rocket Science I understand    I was involved in Hi-Power rocketry for 
several yrs.  I put a 3" dia. 72" tall rocket 13,280 feet in the air and it 
landed 210 yards away from the launch rod ( powered by a K-250 and 
secondary of a J-125)     ( in fact I was the Prefect for La. and ran 
Tripoli HQ for about 3 yrs)    but there is something that eludes me when 
it comes to electronics, math, and real life applications...  for some 
reason   I do the math and it looks good, I apply it to the breadboard it 
works well, then I etch the circuit board, install the parts, apply power 
and I manage to let all the smoke out...   I spend hours and hours 
studying, reading, drawing schematics, Electronic Workbenching schematics 
and ...smoke...   I have spent a fortune on O-scopes, meters, pieces-parts, 
power supplies ( even made some really decient hi volt supplies)  and the 
list goes on....

this is why I became a Mechanical Engineer...

this IGBT system deserves a wonderful home   to be cherished ( not that I 
wouldnt do so ) but it deserves a long and happy productive life
something that I cant promise....     ;)    buy it now     dont let me be 
influenced by my own curiosity and kill this thing...

Scot D

Tesla list wrote:

>Original poster: humanb-at-chaoticuniverse-dot-com
>Scott, I was always intimidated by SS tech, but it is like anything else, 
>just takes a little time to get familiar with it. Dan's Plasmasonic was my 
>first SS project, it was kind of like cheating, but it got me familiar 
>with the principles. Then I followed some of Steve Ward's well documented 
>early projects, to now where I am comfortable adjusting component values, 
>etc., for various effects. It's not Rocket Science ;-) But then Rockets 
>ain't that difficult either (with lots of practice ;-)).
>David Trimmell