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Re: Russian high-voltage installation (being scrapped?)

Original poster: Bert Hickman <bert.hickman@xxxxxxxxxx>

Hi Antonio,

It looks like that was quite an impressive EHV testing facility in its day. In addition to what Jim Lux has already provided, photos #48 and #52 appear to be a resonant transformer. The output of these transformers are typically connected to HV series capacitor or a heavily capacitive load (such as a buried HV cable). An adjustable ballast inductance is used in series with the LV side of the transformer in order to resonate the system mains frequency. This causes the secondary to then ring up to a very high AC voltage.

Also, in looking more closely at the large towers, they may in fact be high voltage resistive dividers. Or they may indeed be enclosed Marx (or similar) impulse generators. The picture you may be thinking about may have been the following one of a 100 meter spark from an impulse generator in Siberia (from Bazelyan & Raizer's book, "Spark Discharge"):

Thanks for sharing these very interesting pictures!

Best regards,

-- Bert --

Tesla list wrote:

Original poster: "Antonio Carlos M. de Queiroz" <acmdq@xxxxxxxxxx>
Hi all:
A friend from Russia sent me this link:
I think that I saw a picture somewhere of a huge spark coming from something as the large cylindric object that appears in some of the pictures.
Do someone have informations about this place?
Antonio Carlos M. de Queiroz