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Re: Liquid resistive HV divider READY

Original poster: "Barton B. Anderson" <bartb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Hi Marco,

Hey, Congratulations! Yes, I remember it well. This is a fantastic accomplishment! I'll keep this short as there may be many questions on their way. I do have one question. Now that the divider is working, I'm sure you and Paul (and possibly others) have been analyzing data. Are there any "unexpected" surprises? I guess I'm also curious as to how our terminal voltage estimations compare, for example: Vtop = Vpri x sqrt(Cpri/Cee)?

Great job!
Bart B.

Tesla list wrote:

Original poster: "Denicolai, Marco" <Marco.Denicolai@xxxxxxxxxxx>

Hello all,

Maybe some of you recall that once I was building a big HV divider
containing only water. Well, it is ready, it is working and now it has
also been documented. I have to thank Paul Nicholson for his help and

Pictures, data, mechanical drawings and even source code can be found


In a nutshell:

- division ratio 153000:1
- max voltage 550 kV
- bandwidth 12 MHz
- loading impedance 1.6 Mohm, 0.76 pF

With that divider I can do voltage measurements of my Thor TC actually
contacting the top toroid.

Comments and feedback is welcome.
