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Re: Or 2 x 4.7M was: 10Mohms1/4 watt resistors

Original poster: "Harold Weiss" <hweiss@xxxxxxxxxx>

Hi Terry,

On my version of MMC, I put a thin sheet of .030" acyrlic between the resistor and the perfboard to prevent a jump from the resistor to cap. The acyrlic can be found at Hobby Lobby for doll house windows ect.

I also agree on the two resistors as they are only rated for something like 500V. If I remember, there have been a couple of blowouts on these resistors, so dropping the voltage across them is not a bad idea. I'll still use the 10 megs until I'm out of them.

David E Weiss

Original poster: Vardan <vardan01@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>


I still have some so I wrote Gates off list too...

In the future, I think I will go to using two DigiKey# 4.7MH-ND instead of 10MH-ND.

These are 1/2 watt carbon film 4.7 Meg resistors instead of the single 10Meg resistor. The advantage is that you can put two in series and then the leads will be long enough to reach over to the cap leads.

I think DC and a few others do this and I think it is a great idea too!! It double the cost to 2 cents instead of 1 cent :0)) but a small price to pay to get past the leads always being too short ;-)) It also reduces the voltage stress if the resistor is next to the cap since the center is now "neutral". The voltage is now 1/2 on the resistors too which helps that concern even though it has never been a problem.

Does anyone have any concerns with this??

