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Fwd: Reducing tank capacitance

Original poster: otmaskin5@xxxxxxx Looks like this didn't go out the first time I sent it. Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated. Thx. Dennis Hopkinton MA
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Date: Sun, 26 Feb 2006 20:46:48 EST
Subject: Reducing tank capacitance
To: tesla@.pupman.com
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I have a Maxwell cap rated at 0.03uF / 30,000V for my 15/60 powered coil. I would like to get total capacitance down to around 0.02uF. My question is can this be done by adding a MMC string in series with the Maxwell - i.e., can you mix different types of caps to get the desired value? Or should I just build a complete MMC to 0.02uF & replace the Maxwell entirely?