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Re: series transformers (fwd)

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Date: Sun, 12 Aug 2007 07:46:52 +1200
From: tesla <tesla@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: Tesla list <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: series transformers (fwd)

Hi Scott

The effect here is to place an additional voltage source iin series with the
current limited transformer voltage source. This will cause the maximum
avaialble current to increase. So for example a 30mA 15kv xfrmr with another
15 kv NON current limited xfrmr will now deliver 60mA
Ted in NZ
> Hey everybody,
>      A simple theoretical question, if you put a current limited
> transformers output in series with a non-current limited transformer, is
> current still limited to that of the limited transformer, or does the
> transformer suck the life out of the current limited one.  Thanks.
> Scott Bogard.