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RE: [TCML] Experiment to measure effects of RF grounding

Well that's an excellent data point none the less!  Certainly lends credence to the point that the reason to invest in an RF ground is to minimize mains hash.

Regards, Gary Lau

> -----Original Message-----
> From: tesla-bounces@xxxxxxxxxx [mailto:tesla-bounces@xxxxxxxxxx] On
> Behalf Of bartb
> Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2008 10:00 PM
> To: Tesla Coil Mailing List
> Subject: Re: [TCML] Experiment to measure effects of RF grounding
> Sounds difficult. I can at least say that I've run with and without RF
> ground. The day I ran without it, is the very moment I killed my sons
> Xbox360. Certainly some hefty transients found their way back to the
> house. The only means of doing that were Neutral and Hot (as there was
> no mains ground at the NST). I think I lost my sound card in my old pc
> that same incident (and it was just little coil).
> Take care,
> Bart
> Lau, Gary wrote:
> > Well, having just tried it, maybe there is some element of rocket science involved
> in scoping mains hash.  I have a fancy Tektronix TDS-series digital scope, and a
> variety of Tek probes.  Even with the shortest probe, with no wires connected to the
> tip of the probe, and the probe ground clip tied just to the tip of the probe, just
> running my coil near the scope or probe provides a nice display of the bang events
> rather than a flat line.  Unless I can get a scope probe to accurately read zero with
> the input shorted, it would be futile to try to measure line hash.  Comments and
> suggestions welcome!
> >
> > I still plan to document any correlation in streamer length to various grounding
> schemes, but I was hoping to do the hash measurements at the same time.
> >
> > Regards, Gary Lau
> > MA, USA
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