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Re: [TCML] 60/50Hz Tesla Coil?

David Rieben wrote:
Hi Phillip,

I don't think that the "Arczilla" toys that Cameron and I
build are in the same catergory as the huge UHV trans-
formers to which Jim Lux is referring. We simply take
the standard output of a 14.4 kV pole transformer and
run its output through a capacitor of appropriate size to
induce resonant voltage rize after the arc is started. Jim
is referring to a huge transformer assembly who's out-
put voltage is in the megavolts, probably something si-
milar to this:  http://www.ece.msstate.edu/hvl/testing.html
Thanks for the complement, though. ;^)

They actually use this kind of thing a lot for cable testing (in smallish non-megavolt sizes). There are multi km underground cables with significant capacitance (compared to above ground transmission lines) so it doesn't need a lot of inductance to get resonance.
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