
Re: Variac setting (Was Rd: Rotaty popping)

In a message dated 5/1/00 8:24:33 AM Pacific Daylight Time, tesla@pupman.com 

>  The above and other comments in this thread makes me wonder if somehow the
>  amount, (or mass),  of steel in the ballast core is causing our coils to
>  perform differently depending upon our use of  different makes of welders
>  and/or variacs for current limiting? Wouldn't a more massive core change 
>  natural frequency of the inductor?  Or could the mass of the core affect 
>  "damping", (is the correct term hysteresis), of the inductor? 


Perhaps the inductance ranges (hi or low) are set by using a different
number of windings, this would change the amount of resistance in use
(in the windings), and may change the coils behavior, yes the damping
(or Q) would be different, and may help to kill some unwanted resonances.

John Freau

> I know that on
>  my system when the welders moveable core is in it gets quite hot, so it 
>  be sucking up some power. When variacs are used as current limiters do they
>  get hot? Probably with a variac it would be difficult to determine if the
>  wire or the core was getting hot.
>  Thoughts,
>  Jon Rosenstiel