
Re[2]: AIR BLAST GAP!!! TO GARY LAU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

     Word.  Gary's page was invaluable to me in constructing my own coil, 
     especially the gap construction sections.  I recommend it to anyone.
     Gary knows his coils, Mr. KV.  Calm down and step away from the caps 

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Subject: Re: AIR BLAST GAP!!! TO GARY LAU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Author:  Tesla List <tesla@pupman.com> at INTERNET
Date:    5/1/00 12:18 AM

Original Poster: Dsurfr@aol.com 
To Kid-KV
Gary Lau knows quite a bit more than most of us on the list about air blast 
gaps. He designed and made a very good one some years back & it was copied by 
several of us. Try checking his web page - its on the Ring.
Just my 2 cents worth.