
Re: Odd Overloaded NST Effect

Hi Ryan,

	Apparently, some neon sign shops use many paralleled NST for cheap
bombarders.  I don't "know" of any problems but they may be something we
don't know.  O:-|

I would carefully check each one to be sure they are all working.  If one
is shorting, the high current being dumped into a bad one could do odd
things.  If you can't find a problem you may try removing them one at a
time to see if one is causing the problem.  Beyond that, you may be seeing
something we are not aware of...



At 06:52 PM 05/01/2000 -0500, you wrote:
>	I have 6 15Kv@30mA transformers connected together for a monsterous output
>of 180mA; at least theoretically.  The current from my mains supply goes
>through my variac first, which has a built-in voltmeter.  When I apply
>power to my transformer bank, I notice the voltmeter goes CRAZY, swaying
>back and forth between about 90 and 145 volts.  I heard someone recently
>talking about the voltage field collapsing as the current field goes too
>high in an NST, or something wacky like that.  The last time I asked how
>many NSTs could be paralleled successfully however, the only response I got
>was "there shouldn't be any limit".  So, what do you think is the deal?
>	-- Ryan Ries