
Re: Commercial cap specs for tesla cap

High Terry,
Thanks for the info regarding cap specs. Im going to use some of those
specs to fill out NWL,s cap form. As for my coil specs, I have several
in various stages of completion. The coil that I want this cap for is
approx. 11.25 inch in dia. 900 turns of # 18 , Primary: 14 turns of .375
inch dia tubing spaced .375 between turns. topload is 40by7. Ive been
experimenting with different size toploads. A 0-5000 rpm 7 inch dia.
rotory 12 spinning 2 stationary designed and built by Ed Wingate and a
series vacuum gap. I was using a .05 30kv/ac rms from Plastic Capacitors
Inc. The cap failed so I sent it back for warranty replacement. I plan
on having Plastic Capacitors build me another .05 so I have 2 of them
that I plan on using in a magnifier system. Anyways I wanted to compare
prices Between the 2 companies. The nice thing about Plastic Capacitors
is they do all that stuff for you as they offer a line of tesla caps.
About this mmc cap are these suitable for high power coils 5-10 kva as
Ive always used commercial caps. Id be willing to build this mmc if they
will work at 14.4KV/5-6KVA and I could have a .05-.06 mfd@30KV/ACrms or
close to it. Sorry for the long Post.
Best Regards Jeff