
Rubar again

Responce from the other list prompts me to be more specific about my
choise of capacitor in the test of strikerail or not.

The cap that I used, 112 nF @3200 VDC is underrated from the start. It
lasts about 15 minutes in normal Tesla duty. But it is cheap, and small,
so I still use these for the coil that I throw together in a hurry for a
short demo, or experiment. It also supplies me with samples to dissect
for inspection of the damage.

I chose to use this already challenged cap, figuring that it would be
more likely to go fast, if some secondary discharge straight to the cap,
or primary, was a problem. And in that case, the experiment had only
cost me 8$ to perform.

The fact that it still endured the test suggests, that the use of
"rubar" is not mandatory anymore.

I remember my own frantic turning down of the variac, when the
strikerail was hit, and the state of chock it put me in. Perhaps we
don`t have to feel so insecure anymore. :-)

Sissibar is another name candidate for strikerail. ;->

Cheers, Finn Hammer

ps: On my new, still almost finished hi-tech coil there is a strikerail:
It was designed before this knowledge was common, thanks to Terry and
Malcolm. I intend to use it for what it is good for: A handle for 2 to
grab when dragging the coil around: Rubar!