
Re: vacuum spark gap ( and Xrays)

Hi all,

I dont really know much about this, but I saw a demonstartion last year in
whi9ch X-rays were produced by puting a high voltage across an evacuated
tube. This sounds worryingly similar to your vacuum spark gap.

Does any one out there actually know anything about this phenomenon and
should we be wary of using vacuums with high voltages?



At 16:45 11/05/00 -0600, you wrote:
>Original Poster: "Jim Lux" <jimlux@jpl.nasa.gov> 
>I believe that some have built small coils using the Victoreen Vacuum Spark
>gaps used for surge suppression.
>>Very interesting response. And it supports what some people say, and
>>contradicts what others say, just like the returns on my internet search
>>(the biggest point of contention is that some people say that a spark won't
>>jump in a vacuum and other people, like you, say it will) . My opinion is
>>that a sealed vacuum spark gap can be very good in tesla use. When I build
>>it and have something to report (brag about), I will post the results here.
>>Regards, Alfred Erpel