
Re: triggered RQ type SG???

-----Original Message-----
From: Tesla List <tesla@pupman.com>
To: tesla@pupman.com <tesla@pupman.com>
Date: Wednesday, April 12, 2000 6:54 PM
Subject: Re: triggered RQ type SG???

It works, I tried it. I first put a 20 gauge trigger wire between two copper
pipes. It came from an ignition coil, coupled through a .001 20KV cap, that
was fired from a lamp dimmer and 2uF microwave oven cap. I found it was
indeed able to trigger a .5uF-MOT combination to a 2 turn, 24" dia primary
and gave around 3 foot sparks. The trigger wire melted after 5 seconds.

I wanted the triggered gap because the 2KV MOT gap just didn't quench well
and fouled real quick. I then went to a multiple pipe gap of 5 sections and
triggered the middle pipe. It was interesting to power up the MOT and watch
the trigger sparks drift towards the ground side.

This worked much better and the primary cap blew and put and end to my
low-voltage coiling fun. I don't recommend high trigger voltage for this
reason, even though I triggered through a .001uF cap and figured the ratio
of .001/.5 would attenuate the voltage to safe values, I can't be sure that
the stress (when I tested without the coupling cap) didn't overstress and
kill the wimpy mylar cap, if just normal operation didn't. It was getting
hot anyways. With 120VAC on on the car coil ground, I risked damaging other
components like my filter and variac. Make sure you consider all the paths
you make with your arcs!

I would recommend UV with a higher current arc. The UV from a car coil arc
wasn't intense enough from my testing.
