
Re: Needle Glow Discharge/ Malcolm comments on Corum

On Thu, 13 Apr 2000 18:22:49 -0600, Tesla List wrote: 

>  Original Poster: "Ed Phillips" <evp@pacbell.net> 
>  > There is such a thing known as the Heisenberg
Uncertainty Principle. 
>  > A quick rehash of that simply means that we change
what we try to 
                    observe by 
>  > our method of observation. 
>      The uncertainty statement applies at the quantum
or microscopic level. 
>  At the macroscopic or real-world level that the
effects of the 
>  observation are completely predictable if the
experimenter is careful 
>  enough to measure and correct for all disturbances.  

>  This principle does not appear to hold in the 
>  > construction of tesla coils because L and C of the
primary tank circuit 
>  > designed for secondary considerations, if an
improper secondary 
>  > is inserted into that space, it does not resonate.
However it is 
>  > possible to create a situation where ANY coil will
reasonably resonate 
>  > its own ringing freq when inserted into a special
kind of high freq 
>  > This is done by creating a circuit condition
whereby the postulated and 
>  > observed magnetic fields  from scope observations
can instantaneously 
>  > reverse directions and polarity. The mechanism for
this is not entirely 
>  > understood, but stands the total theoretical test
of observation of 
>  > causitive circuit considerations. 
>      I've read this a couple of times and don't
understand what is being 
>  said.  Does anyone? 

Probably not, so I will attempt to clarify. The proof is
in the results. To 
do this experimental proof one needs two large
inductors, preferably air 
core, two capacities that will resonant with those
inductors at 60 hz or the 
supply freq. It may be possible to use a signal
generator instead of the 
supply freq from the wall. That will make securing the L
and C quantities an 
easier job. One will also need an LCR meter to determine
L and C values if 
necessary. A oscilloscope must be used to see the action
of the magnetic 
fields from the coils, I do this by using a many winded
air core inductor 
placed in the vicinity of those coils magnetic field,
however other methods 
might be used, I just didnt want any high voltage spikes
from the process to 
injure my scope, so I used an induction sensor to see
what is going on in 
the magnetic field. First take the 2 coils and 2
capacitors in series on two 
seperate branches, thus making a tank circuit with the
elements in series. 
Now REVERSE ONE set of L and C values, so that
schematically each one
been juxtaposed or replaced with the other. 
Now the circuit is something entirely different, instead
of being a tank 
circuit with identical values of L and C in series on
each side, it has 
become two branches in parallel, each with L and C in
series, making a new 
condition known as series resonance on each branch, with
distiction that each series resonance is 180 out of
phase with the other, 
because of their relative positions  in the schematic to
each other, as 
being an opposite orientation in series to the source
input. This is very 
important because if they are simply 2 identical LC
series quantities in 
parallel, the next step will indicate nothing. Now if
one has gone this far 
the next step is  an oscilloscope measurement of those
magnetic fields. Now

run a wire or short between the midpoint of each LC
series resonance, or the 
part of the circuit BETWEEN L and C, while monitoring
the magnetic field. 
 One will then see the polarity of that magnetic field
reversed 180 degrees. 
This is because that connection across the midpoints has
converted the 180 
phased series resonances, into a tank circuit of special
qualities, which I 
have named the Binary Resonant Circuit. It is simply the
description of a dual series L and C tank circuit
twisted into a figure 8, 
this action does not change it from being a tank
circuit, even though a new 
midpoint pathway has been established. The reactive
currents of the tank 
circiut simply share this pathway from opposite
directions, and since they 
are themselves 180 out of phase, they are in unity
across that pathway, and 
will show twice the amperage on that pathway than on
either reactive current 
alone measured on the sides of the figure 8. Now simply
removing the short, 
will revert the condition back to series resonance. The
currents in a series 
resonance are in phase with the impressed voltage, the
currents in a 
parallel resonance are 180 out of phase with the
impressed voltage, thus 
each magnetic field from each process will be opposite
or 180 out of phase. 
What I have simply done is to discover a switch: the
open position gives 
series resonance, the closed parallel resonance. By
using huge inductors the

voltage rise from the q of the coils in series resonance
can create an arc 
that will jump the midpont gap, when that midpoint path
has a small air gap. 
This causes a short and returns the schematic to a tank
circuit, thus 
reversing the polarity of the magnetic fields. In that
condition the 
magnetic field observations will show something
considered almost 
impossible, two 180 forms blinking on and off. The
problem in making the 
experimental observations is that hardly any magnetic
field will be observed 
in the tank configuration because q times less current
enters the coils in 
that case, this might be compensated by turning the
voltage range of the 
scope up on that portion of the observation. 
Additionally a smaller inductor will probably never make
enough voltage rise 
to create an arcing on the midpoint arc gap. The volume
of current is 
usually much smaller during the tank circuit phase, also
the voltage rise 
enabled by series resonance vanishes on condition of
short, enabling the arc 
to rapidly extinguish or quench itself, making it ideal
for a high freq 
oscillation. Now when many different inductors of
diffrent sizes are put 
into this type of high freq field, each one will show
that field at a 
different freq. This is what I meant by the Heisenberg
gig, I know it doesnt 
apply, or does it? 
How can we know what the real vibration is when each of
our measuring 
instruments gives a different result. HDN 
PS; the Needle Glow Discharge is a modification of this
midpoint arc gap 
done by placing a 31,250 hz designed BRS inside a larger
voltage BRS 

Binary Resonant System