
Re: Sec RF Ground

Hi Brad,
    50 foot should give you about 12 turns if you use 1/4" copper tube. What
gauge wire is on the secondary? If you know this it is easier to work out
your cap size, which in turn will give you the rough tap point of your
primary. assuming 22 gauge 12 turns is around  35 nF with a top load of 29pF
according to wintesla which you should have. It is really great for
designing a coil around what you already have. Don't have the url handy at
the moment but it is in the archives.
hope this helps

bob golding

----- Original Message -----
From: "Tesla List" <tesla@pupman.com>
To: <tesla@pupman.com>
Sent: Sunday, April 16, 2000 8:37 PM
Subject: Sec RF Ground

> Original Poster: "Brad" <brad_shelton@yahoo.com>
> Hi All,
> I'm kinda confused with where to hool the secondary RF ground.
> Do you hook it to the bottom winding of the secondary or wrap a
> piece of strap metal around the bottom? Also is 50' enuf for a
> primary if the secondary is 7"x34.25?
> Thanks
> Brad Shelton
> P.S.The secondary is allready made my friend gave it to me and
> never used it in a coil.
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