
Re: Secondary Core.

In a message dated 4/18/00 11:08:38 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 
tesla@pupman.com writes:

>  Original Poster: "Charles Arruda" <carruda@channelseek.com> 
>  What effect does the secondary "core" have on the overall
>  design of the coil?  Most people tend to use PVC, but does the
>  material and its thickness have an effect on the resonant
>  freq. of the secondary?  I would think it would have an effect
>  on the inductance and cause the freq. to shift.  What are the
>  offsets to the resonant calculations?  Has anyone tried
>  "unique" materials to wrap their coil on? What effect does
>  having an outside covering on the coil (several layers of an
>  insulative plastic?  Does it help with shorting or corona?
>  Charles Arruda


Overall, the coil form material has minimal effect on the spark output,
and as far as coating the coil, this helps to protect the coil from damage,
from racing sparks, and holds the wire in place.  The form of course
should not be an extremely lossy or conductive material which would
of course be NG.  But if you replace PVC with polyethylene for instance,
you won't see an improvement.

John Freau