
Re: I need help with my crappy coil

>Original Poster: "m0neyfromyuba" <m0neyfromyuba@netzero.net>
>I need some help my coil only makes one inch sparks
>Transfomer: an MOT thats current limited to about 0.45 amps by a oven
>heating coil.
>Tank cap: MOT cap-2100 volts .7 microfarad
>Spark gap: single gap 1/16 inch
>primary: flat spiral 9.5 turns of 0.125 inch copper wire. outside diameter
>is 7.5. and inside diameter is 2.5 inches.
>Secondary: 9 by 1.5 inch secondary on a pvc. Total turns 656
>This coil really sucks...i had to go with an MOT because i had no access to
>a NST or an OBIT.  The circuit is the same as a standard tesla coil with
>capacitor in series with the primary without any inductors or safety gap

Couple of problems here, the main one being that you are WAY out of 
tune based on that cap and the coil size.  Should be a couple of 
zeros before that cap value.  You might go through the math again and 
rework your design.  All the files you'll need are at pupman.com 
Once you are in tune you can improve the gap etc.


Charles Brush