
Re: 3 phase resonators

In a message dated 4/18/00 11:14:54 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 
tesla@pupman.com writes:

> The first surprise was a change in the resonant frequency
>  of a system just by the phase change of the driving signals alone (no
>  physical change in the resonator). As an example, with a particular 3 phase
>  sytstem set for a rotary phase (3 coils and each 120 electrical degrees
>  apart), the frequency was 82 kHz. With just a change of phase drive to all
>  coils getting the same phase, the resonant frequency jumps to 102 kHz. No
>  physical change in the system. By the way, the resonant frequency of a
>  single coil (with an equivalent top load), is 91 kHz.


I remember seeing your nice phasing project on Richard Hull's videotape.

Is it possible that when the coils were 120 degrees out of phase so that
all the sparks connected at the middle, that this large ionized sparking
area behaved like a giant toroid or topload, and lowered the resonant
frequency due to this extra capacitance of the ion cloud in this mode?

When the coils ran at the same frequency, each coil would "see" only
its own (smaller) ionized spark cloud.

John Freau