
Re: found - sprague red HV capacitors

-----Original Message-----
From: Tesla List <tesla@pupman.com>
To: tesla@pupman.com <tesla@pupman.com>
Date: Tuesday, April 18, 2000 12:40 PM
Subject: found - sprague red HV capacitors

>Original Poster: "Bill Noble" <william_b_noble@email.msn.com>
>I've run across the following:
>sprague (red colored) HV capacitors, female screw terminals in each end:
>If anyone can find details of what these have for a dielectric, I'd
>appreciate knowing (also, post it here for others who may be considering
>these) - I did a web search and can't find anyting on these.  my guess is
>that the number 8622 found on the larger caps and the number 9146 on the
>smaller ones are both date codes (middle of 1986, end of 1991 if this is
>correct) - unfortunately, I threw away all my old catalogs a year or two
>to make some space here.
Sprague caps are  now Ceramite Corp (http://www.ceramite.com/) products.
You can download the catalog as a pdf from their web site. The DK series
caps are still available...look on page 32 of the catalog