
Re: commercial cap failure

In a message dated 4/18/00 11:07:52 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 
tesla@pupman.com writes:

<< Original Poster: "Jeffery Pederson" <kd4lyh@webtv.net> 
 Hello fellow coilers,
 Not a good day for me. I just sent my cap back to Plastic Capacitors
 Inc. for an autopsy. It was working great then all of a sudden it
 started to spew oil. This was purchased on 2-29-00. It was a tesla cap
 30KVAC.RMS .05 MF. I was using a 14.4KV/5KVA pole transformer. I dont
 know what happened but I hope that Plastic Capacitors Inc. will honer
 the warranty as this cap was expensive. 
 I talked to Tom Brown who was very understanding.
 Best Regards Jeff

I lost two Condenser Products caps on my system using a 14.4kv/5kva 
transformer before I realized I had a 60hz resonance problem with the welder 
used as ballast in the primary.  I have no idea how much voltage I was 
putting across the caps but it was way more than I intended.  I take it you 
are using a rotary gap?  Do you have a safety gap across the rotary?  I first 
added one across the caps and discoverd the problem.  I couldn't turn the 
variac up past half way without firing the safety gap - set at 5/8".  Thanks 
to Bill Wysock for figuring out what was causing my problem and helping me to 
fix it.

I actually killed two C.P. caps with this set up.  They replaced one under 
warranty, which was nice since I undoubtedly killed it with overvoltage.

Ed Sonderman