
Re: Secondary Core.

Hi Charles,

On 17 Apr 00, at 20:38, Tesla List wrote:

> Original Poster: "Charles Arruda" <carruda@channelseek.com> 
> What effect does the secondary "core" have on the overall
> design of the coil?  Most people tend to use PVC, but does the
> material and its thickness have an effect on the resonant
> freq. of the secondary? 

Not to a significant extent if any.

 I would think it would have an effect
> on the inductance and cause the freq. to shift.  What are the
> offsets to the resonant calculations? 

Plastics are generally non-magnetic. There is no "offset" required.  

 Has anyone tried
> "unique" materials to wrap their coil on? What effect does
> having an outside covering on the coil (several layers of an
> insulative plastic?  Does it help with shorting or corona?

It can help minimize flashovers and pri-sec sparks. Most people 
don't bother except when using very high values of coupling.
