
Re: Voltage triggered spark gaps

> Original Poster: "sundog" <sundog@timeship.net>
> Hey all!
>     Umm..no offense intended...but after dumping a few grand into a
> really nice graphic arts-cad/cam-3d animation-kickbutt gaming
> system...I don't believe I want to get it anywhere *near* the
> coil....or have it plugged in for that matter while the coil is
> running....Too much work, too many projects, and waaaaaaay too much
> $$$....now..if we can do it off a Commodore64 to control it.

Well 'sundog',

A commodore64 would actually be sufficient! So I would say to all, go to
your addict or cellar and get that veeeeery old computer (and the manual)
and program that super-calculator to let your TC do the rhytm you like. I
know I will when I have 'Catweazle 1' up and running (after measuring the RF
field strength at the other side of my Faraday cage)!



> >You could control the spark gap with a suitable computer interface
> to ignite
> >'intelligent' (taking charging time of the current sinus part into
> account).
> >You could even let your TC 'dance' the casa nova!
> >
> >Ruud