
Re: Snapshots in time of a MWO process

Tesla List wrote:
> Original Poster: "Harvey D Norris" <Tesla4@excite.com>
> The URL for this page is:
> http://msnhomepages.talkcity.com/LaGrangeLn/teslafy/Analomous.html
> An explanation of the 180 phased field reversal process is on the previous
> homepage made by pressing the back function. This also shows a ball
> discharge effect made by the same theory of creating rapid fluctuations of
> the magnetic field by instananeous polarity reversals. I understand that
> people say that 180 phased waves observed on a single scope channel are
> impossible, so heres a chance to view these forms for yourself. HDN
> Binary Resonant System
> http://www.insidetheweb.com/mbs.cgi/mb124201
> _______________________________________________________
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These signals appear to be successive horizontal sweeps of multiple
events. This often happens when the scope's horizontal sweep is not
uniquely synchronized (locked) with the input waveform. The combination
of phosphor persistance and your eye's response make it appear that you
are getting simultaneous 180 degree waveforms when they are actually a
sequence of independent events. Looking at a signal that's not properly
"locked in" can easily display very misleading and confusing waveforms. 

Irrespective of what's going on in your dual inductor circuit, a
single-channel oscilloscope's vertical deflection amplifier simply
cannot simultaneously generate a positive AND a negative output voltage
at the same time. You may need to rent or borrow an oscilloscope that
has more sophisticated trigger circuitry or use a storage scope to catch
single events.

-- Bert --
Bert Hickman
Stoneridge Engineering