
Re: Secondary Wire Gauge

>  Original Poster: "Joe Thuss" <jbthuss@execulink.com>
>  What is a good rule of thumb when choosing the wire gauge to wind your
>  secondary with.
>  My power supply is a 9/30 NST and a 10/23 OBIT. For the secondary form
size I
>  am thinking something like 3.5" diameter and 15" long. Thanks in advance for
>  the help.
>  Simon
>   >>
> Joe,
> I used #28 wire on my 3.5" diameter coil, with a winding length of 13".  Your
> winding length of 15" sounds like a good plan.
> Ed Sonderman

	I have a similar small coil here.  Core is heavily-shellacked (sp??)
cardboard mailing tube, 3.17" OD with close wound #28 heavy formvar
about 15" long.  Get about 24" sparks running from 9 kV, 60 ma
transformer, 0.006 mfd of ceramic filter capacitors (get hot after a
minute or so) and a 3" by 14" toroid.  Not spectacular performance, but
fits in the attic nicely and impresses unsophisticated visitors who have
never seen what a REAL coil will do!
