
Re: Rotaty popping, (Was Re: commercial cap failure)

> Original Poster: "D&M's High Voltage" <dmshv.davmckin@gte.net>
> > Original Poster: "Jon Rosenstiel" <jonr@pacbell.net>

Oops!  I made a mistake in my response - Sorry about that!

 The statement should read "On the HIGHER current setting of the
welder, you have less turns (lower voltage)"

-   (NOT the LOWER current as I mistyped).

David L. McKinnon
D&M's High Voltage

> The Jacobs ladder works better because you need raw current for it to
> produce longer, hotter sparks.  On the lower current setting of the
> you have less turns (lower voltage) and less inductance or current
> capability.  This is in some contrast to the tesla coil that needs a
> amount of inductance (to limit the current through the transformer) to
> enable the gap to quench
> > Regards,
> > Jon
> Hope this helps!
> David L. McKinnon
> D&M's High Voltage