
Re: Protecting Small Transformers

In a message dated 4/24/00 10:42:21 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 
tesla@pupman.com writes:

>  2ndly since i am using two transformers in paralell is there some way of 
> making
>  sure the load is spread evenly (only one blows at a time) or should i just 
> give
>  up and start looking (harder) for a NST?!
>  Thanks very much
>  Alex


Welcome to the list.
I would say that usually the RF will kill the outer turns of the secondary,
or it may cause carbon tracking.  OBITS are very fragile but a protective
network may help.

I once built a small single OBIT powered TC using a simple 4 section
static gap using silver electrodes, and a 0.015uF mica cap. 
The primary had about 20 turns
of coax cable, and the secondary was 3" by 12" wound with #28 wire.
The coil was topped by a small 1.5" by 4.5" toroid.  The coil gave 13"
sparks max.  The OBIT was 10kV, 23ma rated.  I didn't use any 
safely gaps nor any protective networks, and I didn't have any failures.
I think the small cap size helped to save the OBIT from destruction.

John Freau