
Re: extremely heat efficient spark gap idea

<<Original Poster: ANTarchimedes@aol.com 

 I must ask, how is placing a small metal tube on the end of a train and 
 putting a metal wire around a track much harder than building a rotary?  
 Also, the good things about my idea is that A. the speed is easily 
 controlled. B. The breaks in the spark can be set to different lengths 
 throughout the track. C. "fancy" spark gaps like small Richard Quick gaps 
 be placed on larger scale trains.  D.It's a whole lot cooler looking...

Sure, but why would you bother w/ such an idea?  An RQ gap is just a matter 
of drilling holes in pipes and sticking a fan on it. Not too much involved 
for such a simple piece of equpiment. Sure i'll agree a rotatry is harder to 
build, but the point of the rotary is to control the break rate at a given 
rate. I don't see how a train could control break rates very well? I'd 
imagine it would do it for a split second then lose the break rates. Anwyays, 
how would you appoly a high voltage component to the train w/out frying it? I 
know those trains aren't made for high voltages like that.
