
Re: bigger tranny?

In a message dated 4/26/00 9:24:21 PM Pacific Daylight Time, tesla@pupman.com 

> Original Poster: "m0neyfromyuba" <m0neyfromyuba@netzero.net> 
>  hey all
>  after 3 months of looking at tesla coils, I have to ask how bigger
>  transformers would increase ur output if the tank cap, spark gap and the
>  primary remain the same. Say for an instance that I have a 9 kv, 30 ma
>  tranny, and I get some 2 foot sparks. If i upgraded to using a pole pig (15
>  kv at 300 ma) with the same tank cap, spark gap and primary. My capacitor
>  would charge and break the gap at the same voltage. would my output spark
>  increase?
>  how can one tell the strength of a primary?
>  what factor determines this??
>  thanks for reading
>  regards
>  -------------manjinder bains----------


Good question!  Assuming that your coil could withstand the power
of a pole pig, yes the spark length would increase.  This is because
the spark gap would fire more often.  The higher break rate would
give more power throughput... and give a longer output spark.  It
is also posssible that the cap would charge up to a higher voltage,
because the NST may have been "struggling" to charge the cap.

However, you would get better results by using a large cap size
for a larger bang size.  If the primary gets too warm, then it's not
"strong enough" (the wire is too thin).

John Freau