
Re: Variac setting (Was Rd: Rotaty popping)

In a message dated 4/27/00 4:19:56 AM Pacific Daylight Time, tesla@pupman.com 

 Hi Ed, 
 In this reply you made to John, I noticed your variac setting and reaction to
 change is **identical** to my variac setting and reaction. I too have little
 change in performance with movement of the wiper to about 25% or so. I also
 find my best performance just about center of the variac. This makes me 
 why we are seeing such a similar reaction. I believe we are both using a 
 and series resistor combo (my smoothing resistor is 2.5 ohms). I wonder if
 others using this setup with a pig or potential xfmr are seeing the same type
 of reaction? I find this fascinating - because I don't understand why. Your
 ballast is a 40A and my ballast is 30A. BTW, I measured my variac (setting at
 mid winding) at 11.2mH. I would assume yours is a bit more (maybe 16mH or 
 Does anyone else see this similarity? Does anyone have a theory why? 
 Bart  >>


I have a LCR meter, I will measure the inductance of my ballast variac this 
weekend and let you know what I find.

Ed Sonderman