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RE: SRSG motor power

Hi Bill,

You might check into some of the recent archives from three to four months
Someone suggested using a variac to vary the phase angle of the SRSG while
it is running.
When I built my last SRSG back around the early part of June, I milled a
little bit off the motor stator, put the motor back together, checked for
sync, then took the motor apart, milled a little more, repeating the process
until I got the thing to sync up at about 130V. (motor set to run on 240
with disk and electrodes installed.) now I start it at 160V and adjust the
cradle mounts to get the best spark by trial and error, then can fine tune
with the variac while it is running. This method does not give a whole lot
of range, but it does make all the difference in the world when it comes to
knowing if you got it right or not because the range _is_ quite enough.


Original poster: "Gomez ADDams" <gomez@netherworld.com>

on that fateful day 8/1/00 12:05 PM, Tesla list uttered:

> The required phase angle will change considerably between low
> and high power operation.  The final adjustment will need to be
> made at full power.

 I am unclear on why this could be so.  However, if true, then a lot more
engineering will need to take place on my gap, since no one will be
able to safely get within twenty or thirty feet of the coil base when it is
running at full power.

 And if such engineering needs to take place, that's a shame, since I have
already had the base plate for the gap built- this could mean a loss of
some six months and some money.  Given that I'm already probably a year from
completion, this is disappointing to say the least.

 Perhaps I can jerry-rig a pushrod affair without having to resort to remote
controls, or perhaps I can find a small phase angle adjuster that won't take
up too much shaft length, and will still take the HP.  I think Small Parts
Inc. has them. (just checked- they do, but they are manual adjustment and
like everything else from SPI, ridiculously overpriced.  A nice convenience
feature if you don't mind spending _$239_!)

- Gomez (Bill Lemieux)

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