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Re: SRSG motor power

In a message dated 8/2/00 5:50:36 PM Pacific Daylight Time, tesla@pupman.com 

>  > Someone suggested using a variac to vary the phase angle of the SRSG 
>  > it is running.
>  Huh?!?  A variac can be used to vary the voltage or current feeding the
>  motor, but I don't see how it can vary the phase, unless the added
>  inductance of a variac in series would cause sufficient phase shift, but if
>  you do that, then you're also varying the available current to the motor,
>  which doesn't seem like a very good idea.
>  - Gomez (Bill Lemieux)


I've used the variac method to adjust the phase.  Yes, it varies the
current too, but it works OK.  I didn't get all that much of a phase
shift, but it was helpful.  Some motors result in a larger phase
shift than others.  It may depend on how much the motor is loaded,

John Freau