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RE: flexible ducting

Bill (a.k.a. Gomez),

Good luck getting a catalog from them. It's almost impossible. Fortunately
it's unnecessary now that everything is on the Web. Check them out at
http://www.mcmaster.com/ they even have online ordering and tracking....


-----Original Message-----
From: Tesla list [mailto:tesla@pupman.com]
Sent: Wednesday, August 02, 2000 11:03 PM
To: tesla@pupman.com
Subject: Re: flexible ducting

Original poster: "Bill Lemieux" <gomez@netherworld.com> 

On that fateful day 8/2/00 8:18 PM, thus spake Tesla list:

> Original poster: "Basura, Brian" <brian.basura@unistudios.com>
> Gomez,
> McMaster-Carr has 16"x8' for $24.00 (p/n 55335K32). I made a huge toroid
> with three pieces and it was very cheep (compared to a spun Al toroid).
> sure to call and asked for the case price. Turns out three pieces of 12"
> (full case) was only a couple dollars more than two pieces.

What?!?  A good deal at McMaster-Carr?  Unheard of!  I will definitely jump
on that, it is just what the doctor ordered.

I'm a little unclear on the rest of your post tho- does the 16 inch x 8 foot
come as one piece?  It would have to, the circumference (center of the
chord, actually) of my toroid will be at least nine feet, depending on
whether I decide to make the testing toroid 48" or 60" in the large

A wonderful tip, thanks very much.  Guess I need to bug McMaster- Carr for
another catalog- getting catalogs from them is like pulling teeth.

- Gomez (Bill Lemieux)