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Re: NST's

on that fateful day 8/3/00 6:34 PM, Tesla list uttered:

> Original poster: "Eleanor Flood" <eflood@bellsouth.net>
> Yep, sorry about that,  I mean 12kv, 30 amp.
> Elli

No, you don't.  ;-)

How about 30 milliamps?  (one one-thousandth of the current)

If it seems to everyone that I'm being picky about words and numbers, it's
because our hobby requires a certain amount of precision.  If someone wishes
to reproduce someone else's work, or make use of someone's research, they
need accurate information.

 One slipped decimal point, or a MA (megamps) instead of mA (milliamps)
makes a big difference!

- Bill (Gomez)

> Tesla list wrote:
>> Original poster: "Eleanor Flood" <eflood@bellsouth.net>
>> Thanks for correction!
>> Elli
>> Tesla list wrote:
>>> Original poster: "Bill Lemieux" <gomez@netherworld.com>
>>> On that fateful day 8/2/00 8:16 PM, thus spake Tesla list:
>>>> Original poster: "Eleanor Flood" <eflood@bellsouth.net>
>>>> Have four 12 kw, 30 amp NST's to sell, along with some other Tesla
>>>> stuff.
>>> I would be very, very interested in getting my hands on a 12 kilowatt, 30
>>> amp Neon Sign Transformer or even two... if you had any.  That's at
> least as
>>> powerful as a neon sign shop's "bombarder"!
>>> However, I suspect that what you have is 12 kilovolt, 30 milliamp NST's,
>>> yes?
>>> - Gomez (Bill Lemieux

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