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RE: TC Sparks and Arcs (Was - High Voltage Snubber caps

Christopher, All -

Are arcs and sparks possible in space beyond the earth's atmosphere? Can a
Tesla coil be operated in space if attached to the outside or inside of the
space shuttle?

John Couture


Given that we have been using tubes for 50 years now, and the effects of 
electrical discharge in an evacuated space are well studied. I would have to 
say, yes. If anyone knows the answer to this one for sure, it's Jim Lux. Not 
only is he a Tesla List Elder and Guru, he also works for N.A.S.A. :)

I, however, would like to be the first to offer my services on the first 
shuttle mission for Tesla testing in space ;) Though I don't see N.A.S.A. 
letting me hitch a ride.

With the different gas mixture in space (it's not a COMPLETE vacuum) I would 
think the streamers would look different. And with 0%humidity things would 
work a lot better. But you would have other problems.

Let's say you're working on the moon. First, you have to anchor your coil, 
because at 1/6th earth G's mine would only weigh about 10lbs. Though lugging 
your NST's would be MUCH nicer :) I could carry a 10kVA PIG in one hand.

Now, another problem. It's 400 degrees on the surface and your secondary 
just melted. Or go on the dark side of the moon, and it's 400 below! Though, 
my coil works best in the freezing cold anyways (I think due to no 

This is an interesting thought experiment :) I may have to use it in a class 
this week. :)

Have fun!

Christopher A. Boden Geek#1
President / Founder
The Geek Group
Because the Geek shall inherit the Earth!

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