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Re: wire ga. vs. power

On that fateful day 8/6/00 7:32 PM, thus spake Tesla list:

> Original poster: Terry Fritz <twftesla@uswest.net>
> Hi Chris,
> The chart I just posted at:
> http://1071737050/site/misc/WireGaugeChart.jpg
> has this in the third column from the right.  It lists gauges 1 through 40.
> All such numbers are always a little "subject to interpretation" but still
> good to go by.  The voltage does not matter unless it arcs over or
> something.  The current is what determines how hot the wire gets.

 Note that these ratings are for DC and 60Hz, where skin effect is not an

 I have an excellent, handy little shirt-pocket sized book that I picked up
from an electrical contractor's supply some years ago, that I consider
indispensable.  It's called "The Electrician's Shirt Pocket Reference" or
soemthing like that (I don't have it in front of me) and it contains most of
the tables and charts (but none of the regulations and accepted wiring
practices) from the National Electrical Code (aka NFPA publication 10).

 For anyone who ever plans to do wiring, a copy of the code is a good thing
to have, but eventhe paperback edition will usually set you back $20 - $30.

 This little pocket reference cost around $10, as I recall.

 Also The Pocket Ref, a general reference book sold in hardware stores and
other places, is an incredibly handy thing to have around- it contains
various wire and motor information, computer ASCII codes, information about
steel and aluminum, pumps, carpentry, machinery, conversion tables,
chemistry, physics, all kinds of stuff, and it fits in a shirt pocket.
Worth every penny- I use mine almost every day.

- Gomez

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encryption.  Encourage others to do the same.  Strong encryption is your
key to electronic privacy.  I have PGP-fone available for secure voice.
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